Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Wednesday Menus

Since I am not on Facebook, I had not realized that Pearl and Serene share their menus - until recently. And then, I saw that Pearl had to have a full Crossover day - my first reaction was "whaaat?!". But then I realized that she has been at it (the Trim Healthy Mama lifestyle) a long time - 5 years! And I am having a Crossover at lunch today myself so ya know - its kind of a celebration. Maybe I'll get to the full Crossover day myself, sometime in the future. And as Serene tell us, we get to have it!

Anyway, back to the menus thing. I am only posting what I've eaten since Sunday. Now, please do not look at this menu and get discouraged. This week has been superb as far as switching up fuels go - I don't think I've ever done this good! So please, just sit back and drink your Frappa! You'll get there!

Sunday, November 3rd

Breakfast: Leftover Stacy's Baked Oatmeal sprinkled with cinnamon and xylitol, topped with few tablespoons (2 or 3) of Greek yogurt and 1/2 apple. I especially enjoyed this breakfast! It didn't involve running around getting ready for church. Because of the time switch I got up an hour early - and truly savored this breakfast! - E

Snack: Beef snack stick - FP (Seems like I'm missing something!)

Lunch: Lean chicken, quinoa, green beans, 1/2 apple. Small dish of Greek yogurt w/ apple slices cut up, sprinkled cinnamon and xylitol. - E

Snack: Cinnamon crackers w/ few tablespoons of Greek yogurt and cinnamon and xylitol. (You can see I was on a roll!) - FP

After church snack: Green salad with tomatoes, cheese, and olive oil and balsamic vinegar dressing. Few strips of bacon. - S

 Please note: I do in fact understand that food right before bed time is a big NO NO, but since we usually have not eaten since lunch or maybe a small snack before church, we, as a family, eat an after church snack as a tradition. Sunday nights (or maybe Saturday) are the only nights that I allow myself to eat late night snacks.

Monday, November 3rd

Breakfast: 3 eggs, scrambled, with a piece of bacon. - S

Lunch: Broccoli soup (S) w/ applesauce (E) - Crossover

Afternoon snack: Sliced tomatoes w/ light Laughing Cow cheese wedge - FP

Supper:  Stuffed peppers w/ apple sauce - E

Dessert: Sheri's Pumpkin Pie Cake w/ flax milk and xylitol on top - FP

Tuesday, November 4th

Breakfast: Greek yogurt topped with apples, cinnamon, and xylitol. E

Lunch: Green salad with tomatoes and cheddar cheese. Olive oil and balsamic dressing w spritzes of Liquid Aminos. (No protein! Bad, bad!) - S

Afternoon snack: Tiny dish of Greek yogurt with peanut butter flour, unsweetened cocoa powder, and xylitol mixed together. (Idea from Whole Food Mom). - FP

Post workout smoothie: Vanilla Sip smoothie with 2 egg yolks and whey protein powder for combined protein. - S

Wednesday, November 5th

Breakfast: Cinnamon Muffin in a Mug topped with cream cheese frosting - S

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